And for all you Burning man goers, Party on!!! Though it started on the 29th….there is still time to get there. You’ve got the whole weekend. Let’s face if, so much amazing art is born on this wild weekend , there is no way to ignore. It.
Have fun all you burners!!!! Be safe, I will keep the fort down here, in Venice Beach, complete with the flamboyant burner wanabees but thankfully free of dust storms and indoor plumbing! http://www.burningman.com/

Also, one more thing, before we get started…..there is still time…..email me ASAP….. Attention Artists!!! The 6th Annual Pico Art Festival, is looking for artists, interested in participating in their group show to be displayed in a “Gallery Pavilion". The festival will take place at Virginia Ave Park in Santa Monica on Sunday October 2nd, 2011, from 9am to 4pm.
The exhibition, a 1-day outdoor fine art festival, will be open to all working artists, 18 years and older. Any medium in painting, sculpture, drawing, graphics, mixed media and photography will be accepted, as long as the work falls within the area of fine art. Sorry, NO CRAFTS. Email me back if you are interested ktrpromo@gmail.com.
SAVE THE DATE Sept 8th....next week Stores such as Urobourus on Main Street and Bohemian Exchange on Abbot Kinney will be having a big celebration for "Fashion's Night Out". See more info about both of these events under my Fashion Page.

Risk obviously is into recycling… with this exhibition of newsprint based works made from the front pages of both the LA and NY Times publications collected by the artist over the last twelve years. Love that! Check out more info below….under Saturday events.
Wednesday, August 31rd

This series has picked up "Best Live Music Event of The Year" from Los Angeles Magazine (get there early-reservations suggested) 310 670-1994.

www.deyermondbooks.com. Check out their site for Thursday Scrabble night too. They always put on fun events. Refreshments served.
Thursday, September 1st

This exhibition will feature a solo show of Sona Mirzaei’s latest works from In Search of Splendor in addition to revealing a never before seen series entitled Tales of Copenhagen completed during her time in Denmark earlier this year. Seyhoun Gallery is located at 9007 Melrose Ave, between Doheny and Robertson Blvd. This is a FREE event. http://www.sonamirzaei.com/; http://www.seyhoungallery.net/

Check my upcoming events page for next weeks final FREE concert of the Santa Monica Pier Concerts…boo hoo, such fun. http://www.ktrpromo.com/p/upcoming-events.html

Some works have been created by artists with partial vision. A portion of the proceeds will be donated to The Center for the Partially Sighted, an L.A.-based non-profit. www.low-vision.org. Opening reception runs from 6:00 pm to 9:00 pm. Refreshments, wine will be served. http://caporalebleicher.com/
In Silver Lake, stop by La Luz De Jesus, to see a group show featuring artists Sam Doyle, Lauren Gardiner(see image), Charlie Lucas, Herbert Singleton, Rob Reger and Purvis Young.
The Artist reception runs from 8:00 pm -11:00 pm. La Luz De Jesus Gallery is located 4633 Hollywood Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90027. Phone 323-666-7667; http://www.laluzdejesus.com/
Another opening in Silver Lake, happens at the gallery, Weekend, which is an edgy venue that is hosting an opening reception from 7:00 pm till 10:00 pm.
Since you are in Silver Lake, stop into Rafa's Lounge Art Gallery (next door to the Echo) to see a wonderful local singer songwriter, Geoffrey J.
In case you have never been, most events start around 6:30 pm, but remember, it is Venice. Stores stay open till around 9:00 pm, sometimes later.….With the recent arrival of food trucks upon the boulevard, some stores have decided to close early. However, here is a list of some shops that have confirmed with me that they will indeed be open and participating in the event. So start with these, and I’m sure you will stumble on more.
Enjoy live music at Joe’s restaurant. There is no cover charge.
Call for an RSVP 310.399.581; Joe's Restaurant is located at 1023 Abbot Kinney Blvd. Venice CA 90291. http://www.joesrestaurant.com/
Now continue on, there is a lovely shop called Altered Space Gallery 1221 Abbot Kinney Blvd that always has a happening on First Fridays. Great jewelry too. 310-452-8121; http://www.alteredspacegallery.com/.
Ten Women Gallery, located at 1237 Abbot Kinney Blvd is closing. So sad to hear, but they are having a final farewell bash tonight….so stop by to support the artists. I want to encourage everyone to buy something to remember them by. Support local Art.
Back again across the street off Santa Clara, is Nitespa, 1301 Abbot Kinney, a lovely beauty spa and shop that will have all kinds of specials which come with complementary beverages consisting of herbal teas, red and white wine and beer.
Right next door, is Bohemian Exchange who sells beautiful clothes and accessories. This place has its own style and charming ambiance.
Known for its vintage style and great prices, Bohemian Exchange supports local designers and fair trade.
SAVE THE DATE Sept 8th....next week Bohemian Exchange will be having a big celebration with a fashion show for "Fashion's Night Out".
There will be some special sales tonight. Bohemian Exchange is located at 1358 Abbot Kinney, at California 310.396.3044; http://www.bohemianexchange.com
Back across the street again, The G2 Gallery (1503 Abbot Kinney) offers Sebastian Artz (see image), a Venice photographer’s look at underwater creatures. Live music performed by Eric Kufs. Admission is $5 at the door, which will directly support environmental charities 310-452-2842; http://www.theg2gallery.com.
Keep going south and you have to stop into Zingara Trading 1507 Abbot Kinney for their First Friday event. They will be offering snacks and their famous S'mores. Also get a free henna tattoo. 310 392-6424; http://www.zingaratrading.com/
Then we have the fun new gallery, called Very Venice Art & Design Gallery located at 1629 Abbot Kinney. They had a great opening party. Tonight, they will be showing works by over 40 artists including Linda Fenster, Outi, Dary Rees, Rachel Rubinstein, just to name a few. Event runs from 6:00 pm till 10:00 pm. http://www.veryveniceart.com/
Since you’re in Santa Monica, Hale Arts Space celebrates their grand opening. Featuring artists, Michael Hale, Alan Kupchick, Carl Lozada, Otto and Mary Worthington, the gallery will be open both days, Saturday and Sunday from 1:00 pm till 9:00 pm.
Tonight’s event, features the work of artist Korin Faught, and upstairs, enjoy the art of Joey Remmers. The opening reception will run from 7:00 pm till 10:00 pm. In case you have never been, they always offer snacks and a nice bar too. Corey Helford Gallery is located at 8522 Washington Blvd., in Culver City 90232; www.coreyhelfordgallery.com.
Norbertellen Gallery presents their Annual Fall International “Eleven, Twelve, Fourteen group exhibition from 6:00 pm till 10:00 pm. Come meet and greet the artists, Robert E. Richards, Djembe & Canvas, Alicia Falcone, Nancy Caster, Kim Berg, James Hall, Uriel J. Tekunoff and many more.
Also just around the corner, Hive Gallery offers an opening reception for artists Craig Cartwright, J.Slattum, Jun Alvarado, Scarecrowoven, Augie Pagan, Lefty Joe Torres and more. Be aware that it is $8 at door. However, it does include live music.
Friday September 2nd
In Silver Lake, stop by La Luz De Jesus, to see a group show featuring artists Sam Doyle, Lauren Gardiner(see image), Charlie Lucas, Herbert Singleton, Rob Reger and Purvis Young.
The Artist reception runs from 8:00 pm -11:00 pm. La Luz De Jesus Gallery is located 4633 Hollywood Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90027. Phone 323-666-7667; http://www.laluzdejesus.com/

This exhibition is entitled Big Haul and features the work of artist, Janne Larson. Weekend is located at 4634 Hollywood Blvd., 90027; 510 206-4001; http://weekendspace.org/

Tonight, James Elliot joins him on lead guitar. Geoffrey J plays original roots rock/folk music as well as some classic and modern rock covers.
Enjoy this acoustic duo from 9:00 pm to 11:00 pm. This is a FREE event. Rafa's Lounge Art Gallery is located at 1836 W. Sunset Blvd, 90026. No Cover, 21+ http://rafaslounge.com/; http://www.geoffreyj.com/
If you would rather stay in Venice, there’s the always happening, First Fridays on Abbot Kinney.

You may want to start here since it’s located on the North end. Get there early and snag a table (call to reserve) while you enjoy a delicious dinner with some drinks and dancing. Or pop in later for standing room only.

Call for an RSVP 310.399.581; Joe's Restaurant is located at 1023 Abbot Kinney Blvd. Venice CA 90291. http://www.joesrestaurant.com/
Now continue on, there is a lovely shop called Altered Space Gallery 1221 Abbot Kinney Blvd that always has a happening on First Fridays. Great jewelry too. 310-452-8121; http://www.alteredspacegallery.com/.

Local artist Linda Fenster (see image) has shown here for years, but now you can catch her work at the Very Venice Art and Design Gallery....see further down the list.

Enjoy their handpicked spa soundtrack, rosemary water and organic teas. There will also be art and jewelry for sale. Open till 10:00 pm. mini-makeovers and specials on all treatments. The entrance is on Santa Clara. 310.396.5122; http://www.nitespa.com/.
Keep going north and on the right side is Ananda 1356 Abbot Kinney Blvd. (310) 399-4186….they will be open, serving refreshments and snacks. Directly adjacent, pop into Skylark 1356 Abbot Kinney Blvd will also be open 310 392-9099; www.skylarkvenice.com

Known for its vintage style and great prices, Bohemian Exchange supports local designers and fair trade.

There will be some special sales tonight. Bohemian Exchange is located at 1358 Abbot Kinney, at California 310.396.3044; http://www.bohemianexchange.com

And across the street at one of my favorite furniture stores, Tumbleweed and Dandelion 1502 Abbot Kinney Blvd will be open with wine and snacks and a Furniture sale too! 310-450-4310.

Stop by Robin’s Sculpture Garden and enjoy the music of Tommy Santee Klaws, accompanied, by aerials in the sky. Also see fashions from Show Me Your Mumu, and Anna Bruce Designs. Robin’s Sculpture Garden, is located at 1632 Abbott Kinney. This one tends to start later, 8:00 pm till 11:00 pm. Popcorn & Beverages, but there is a $10-$15 donation suggested.
Saturday, September 3rd
Transforming pistol targets into art since 2002 – Risk widens the scope of his bulls-eye for this survey of global affairs with the use of front pages from the Los Angeles Times and New York Times. Bad News launches what will be a long running series of newsprint based works made from both publications collected by the artist over the last twelve years.
Enjoy a fun opening reception from 6:00 pm till 9:00 pm. 310 315-9506. http://ellwoodtrisk.com/; http://www.robertbermangallery.com;
Lora Schlesinger Gallery will be open as well as many others….so stop in to see the last day of their current exhibition, featuring the work of Sue Dirkman and Josh Dov. Be aware, there is no reception at this one.

It appears that the actual reception will be held at 4:00 pm till 6:00 pm, where you can meet the artists. They will be serving refreshments and popcorn??? Don’t ask me, that’s what they told me…..
Hale Arts Space is located at 2443 Main Street, Santa Monica, 90405. 310-314-8038. http://www.halearts.com
Then you may want to head to Culver City to see a wonderful opening at Corey Helford Gallery which runs a bit later.

Or maybe downtown is the scene that you are looking for…..there’s a couple of fun ones.

Norbertellen Gallery is located at 215 W. 6th St. #110. 818 662 5041; Check their website for more details. www.norbertellengallery.com

The Hive Gallery is a fun funky gallery located at 729 South Spring St. 6:00 pm till 9:00 pm. http://hivegallery.com/.
Sunday September 4th

They are having an opening reception from 3:00 pm till 5:00 pm featuring artists Hee Ouk Kim, Whi Boo Kim & Edmond Kim. 213.617.3274; http://www.laartcore.org/.

It appears that the actual reception will be held at 4:00 pm till 6:00 pm, where you can meet the artists. They will be serving refreshments and popcorn…yes you heard me right popcorn.
Hale Arts Space is located at 2443 Main Street, Santa Monica, 90405. 310-314-8038. http://www.halearts.com
Lots more comin’ up Labor Day events and more....All on the Weekend Update!
ReplyDeleteHope the farewell dinner for your friend was enjoyable, and it looks like there were more fun events in the coming days as well. We also had a wonderful night attending my friend’s party at the event space Chicago which was arranged to celebrate the anniversary of his business venture.